Free Download Aplikasi Database Gereja
Free Download Aplikasi Database Gereja

Free Download Aplikasi Database Gereja

The expired time of this plan is 15 years from 1999 to 2014. The spatial plan of South SUMATERA Province was established in 1992 and then revised in 1999. 1.1.3 Current Land Use Planning Based on the law numand province regulation number 5, 1994. The data specification table is shown in Annex L1.1.1. Completed land use 2000 map and associated table of each land use type are shown in Annex C4.2.2 of Supporting Report Sector C. Also, for comparing with land use in 1980, the land use types were also reclassified by JICA study team. JICA study team fixed diversity errors from features and projection, appended all the data together and regenerated it to GIS database which can be analysis by GIS tool.

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All the data was separated to 150 map sheets by 1:50,000 index map. It was made by BPN through a BAPPEDA project. Name in English Built-up Area People Plantation Area Dry Land Agriculture Rice Field Mixed Garden Big Plantation Area Forest Plantation Natural Forest Virgin Forest Virgin Forest Swamp Moorland RiverĬompare Code with Land Use 2000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 1112 1112 13 14 15ġ.1.2 Current Land Use The land use data (scale 1:50,000) in 2000 was also collected from BAPPEDA. Sawah Kebun Campuran Perkebunan Besar HTI Hutan Lebat Belukar Belukar Rawa Rawa Alang-alang Sungai / Danau Name in BAHASA Indonesia Kampung Perkebunan Rakyat Table L1.1.1 The Data Specification of Land Use 1980 Land Use Type 1 2 The specification of land use data was shown on Table L1.1.1. It shows almost 19% of whole MUSI river basin (11,605 km2 of 59,354 km2) was covered by natural forest in 1980.ĬTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. The land use map and related table are shown in Annex C4.1.1. JICA study team converted this paper map to digital GIS data by digitization work, and the area of each land use type was summed up through GIS analysis. 1.1.1 Land Use in 1980 The land use map (scale 1:500,000) in 1980 was collected from BAPPEDA map album. Therefore, JICA study team could collect the following GIS data from BAPPEDA.

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Fortunately, some GIS data are kept back up in CD-ROM, and some data kept in paper format. However, the system is not running at present because the local GIS consultant company stopped the contract with BAPPEDA. The system software and hardware used in BAPPEDA GIS are PC ArcInfo 3.5, ArcView3.2, Windows98 and Windows NT platforms. 1.1īAPPEDA has used GIS for the spatial planning for a long time. Through the investigation to the database system in South Sumatra Province, it was found that two GIS database system (Forestry Department and BAPPEDA GIS database) and one information network system (INFORKOM MIS) existed, and can be considered to provide GIS database to JICA study. The Study on Comprehensive Water Management of Musi River Basin in the Republic of Indonesia

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